Author, podcaster, and YouTuber Michael La Ronn is back to update us on his newest projects and give us helpful writing advice. We talk about being an indie author, share writing tips, discuss overcoming fear, do a little writer therapy, go on a tangent about our rabbits, and so much more.
Michael La Ronn is the author of over 40 science fiction & fantasy books. His stories feature unusual, nontraditional heroes such as teddy bears, vegetables, and androids (but not all in the same book). His writing is about heroes rising up against incredible odds to be the best possible versions of themselves. When he’s not writing novels, Michael serves on the staff of the Alliance of Independent Authors as a US Advisor and podcaster. He co-hosts the AskAlli Member Q&A Podcast where he answers burning questions about self-publishing.
GenreTainment is where Marx & Julie talk about what is happening in the world of film, TV and web series. We give you interviews with writers, directors, producers and actors in both independent and not-so-independent creations.
- Michael La Ronn’s website
- Author Level Up
- Michael’s podcast
- Author Level Up on Facebook
- Michael La Ronn on Twitter: @michaellaronn
- The Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Book Database
- GenreTainment on Facebook
- Marx on Twitter: @MrMarx