Guest On… Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track Supernatural Rewind Season 10

Had awesome time being a panelist for another edition of Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track Supernatural Rewind. This time we discussed season 10! This season had all sorts of plot twists & turns: Sam trying to save Demon Dean, Cole Trenton out for revenge, Claire Novak teen angst, Rowena manipulating Crowley, Fan Fiction musical fun, Donna & Jody finally meeting, Charlie & the Wizard of Oz, “the Bobbies are surly”, the evil Styne family, and more.

Guest on… Serial Fiction Show

Excited that my interview on The Serial Fiction Show is live! I talk in detail about Obsidian Monsters and you can hear a segment of the series read out loud. Had a great time chatting with Christine & JP about the series and geeking out about writer stuff!

Serial Fiction Show

Interviewed…”Creating a Unique Take on Dragons: Meet Marx Pyle”

A big thanks to author Lynn Slaughter for interviewing me on her blog! I chat all about Dragons of a Different Tail and Obsidian Monsters.

Can you talk a bit about your background as a writer?

I’ve always wanted to write, and as a kid I dreamed of writing my own comic books. No comic books yet, but I have written films and web series. I graduated from film school over ten years ago, so most of my writing had been with scripts. I’ve also done nearly every job there is in film (script writer, director, producer, fight choreographer, boom operator, director of photography…), and those have been amazing creative experiences. However, I’ve always wanted to write novels, and the MFA program helped me develop my fiction writing skills.

Click here to read the full interview.

Guest On… Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track Supernatural Rewind Season 9

Had a great time being a panelist on another edition of Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track Supernatural Rewind. This time we discuss season 9! We talk Dorothy, the Wicked Witch, the always fun Charlie (Felicia Day), Cass’s ever changing angel status, “Doctor Dean Dolittle” talking to dogs, the vicious angel war, Abaddon versus Crowley, more Men of Letters fun, the dangerous Cain (played by the amazing Timothy Omundson), master manipulator Metatron, the shifting alliances of Gadreel, the Bloodlines backdoor pilot, other episodes we thought could have been a spin-off, and more. Plus, was Sam being a complete jerk to Dean this season or did Dean cross a line in how he saved Sam’s life?

Guest on… ConTinual: The Comics Lair – Superman & Lois and Supergirl

Had a great time being a guest on The Comics Lair! “Marx Pyle (, Marisa Wolf (, and host Nancy Northcott ( talk about the denizens of Krypton and the CW shows Superman & Lois, Supergirl, influences from the comics, and even some of the other screen versions of the superheroes.”

Guest On… Super Geeked Up: Best Dragon Characters and Companions, Dragon Games, Dragon Authors!

Had a great time being a guest on Super Geeked Up with my fellow “Dragons of a Different Tail” authors J.C. Mastro and Sophia DeSensi! Hosts Jeff Burns and Francis Fernandez are also authors of the anthology, so we had a lot of fun things to say about the book. Plus, we “chat the best dragon characters and companions and play super-geeky dragon games!” Don’t forget, you can pick up a copy of the anthology at –

Guest On… Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track Supernatural Rewind Season 8

Had a fun time being a panelist on another edition of Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track Supernatural Rewind. This time we discuss season 8! Benny, Garth, Charlie, Kevin Tran, Bobby, the demon trials, looney cartoon hijinks, Men of Letters, the spin-offs that could have been, and more.


It’s dragon week!!!

Today our anthology, “Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales,” was released in ebook format. Click this link to find it at your favorite online store –

In the next couple of weeks, the paperback version will also be available. So watch for that to pop up on Amazon or Barnes & Noble if print is more your jam.

I am very proud of the great stories in this anthology and want to thank all of the authors for taking a chance on my slightly unusual project.

“Eighteen award-winning, veteran, and emerging authors bring you seventeen unique dragon tales that defy tradition. Winged serpents as large as continents, as well as those tiny enough to perch on the fingertip of a young girl. Dragons who inhabit the Wild West, Victorian London, Brooklyn, and a post-apocalyptic Earth. Scaly beasts who fight in the boxing ring, celebrate Christmas, and conquer the vast void of outer space. There are rockstars who meddle with dragon magic, clever and conniving shapeshifters, and powerfully exotic hybrids. Science fiction, urban fantasy, mystery, western, epic fantasy, YA fantasy…no matter the setting or the genre—here be dragons!”

Interview… “Author Interview with Marx Pyle on his Kindle Vella Obsidian Monsters, and Upcoming Anthology Dragons of a Different Tail”

This was a fun interview I recently did. I chatted with author J.J. Gonzalez about Obsidian Monsters and the upcoming anthology, Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales.

Marx Pyle is one busy author! While he has his exciting urban fantasy, Obsidian Monsters, on Kindle Vella going, he also is releasing a new anthology Dragons of a Different Tail17 Unusual Dragon Tales, where he is working with numerous authors to bring readers unique dragon stories in every scenario!