GenreTainment 143 | Shared Worlds and Anthologies with Author Marisa Wolf

On this episode we’re chatting with author Marisa Wolf. She tells us about her new science fiction Beyond Enemies published by Baen Books, and urban fantasy book The Spider (Hit World: Web of Shadows Book 3).

She also talks about her writing origins with writing fan fiction and how to transition successfully into writing for shared worlds and beyond. She also shares tips for authors about co-writing and more.

GenreTainment is where Marx & Julie talk about what is happening in the world of books, film, TV and web series. We give you interviews with writers, game designers, directors, producers and actors in both independent and not-so-independent creations.

Marisa Wolf is a second-generation nerd who started writing genre stories at six. At least one was good enough to be laminated, and she’s been chasing that high ever since. She’s written in many corners of SFF, including shared universes like the bestselling Four Horseman Universe and the anything-goes urban fantasy of Hit World, as well as video and table-top gaming in tie-in stories. Her debut solo novel, Beyond Enemies with Baen Books, is a blend of military scifi, space opera, and general snarky banter.


GenreTainment Intro and outro music by McCardy Music.

“Perc Spot A” by Ovani Sound.

Guest On… Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track: Cultural Folklore & Mythology in Urban Fantasy Media

Had a great time at Dragon Con this year. I was on 16 panels!!! For those who couldn’t attend in person, there were a number of pre-recorded virtual panels…like this one. This was for the Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track. We discussed how folklore & mythology are currently being incorporated into television shows such as Invisible City, Ragnarok, & Trickster.