Guest on…ConTinual Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise & Discovery

Had a great time being on another ConTinual panel! “Star Trek Enterprise & Discovery have brought us stories from the pre-Federation and early days of the Federation, plus a leap into the future. Join Kristin Jackson, Robyn McGlotten, Elizabeth Noble, Joshua Palmatier, Marx Pyle, Jay Requard, and host James P. Nettles as they share the good, the bad, and the hopeful for the franchise!”

GenreTainment #99 – Featuring Filmmaker & Conlang Professional Britton Watkins

Senn poster

For this 99th episode of GenreTainment we are chatting with filmmaker and conlang professional Britton Watkins. Britton tells us how he became involved with conlang (which stands for constructed languages) which lead him to learning fictional alien languages like Na’vi, Vulcan, Klingon, and creating his own languages for his science fiction film Senn. He also tells us how those skills landed him a job on Star Trek Into Darkness and we learn about his upcoming feature documentary on conlang, called Conlanging.

GenreTainment is where we talk about what is happening in the world of film, TV and web series.  We give you interviews with writers, directors, producers and actors in both independent and not-so-independent creations.


GenreTainment #96 – Featuring Writer Dean Wesley Smith

Dean Wesley Smith Smiths Monthly Thunder Mountain - Avalanche Creek

Welcome to another edutainment filled episode of GenreTainment! On this 96th episode we are speaking with writer Dean Wesley Smith. He is a USA Today bestselling author with over 100 novels and hundreds of short stories published.

He shares with us how he started his now over 40 year career, and gives some excellent writing tips from his experience and from his non-fiction book Writing Into The Dark. Smith tells us what it is like writing media tie-in books for movie & TV show settings like Star Trek, Men and Black,Quantum Leap, and more. He also talks about his original book series, like his Old West time travel series Thunder Mountain, his scifi Space Opera the Seeders Universe, and his superhero series Poker Boy.

GenreTainment is where we talk about what is happening in the world of film, TV and web series.  We give you interviews with writers, directors, producers and actors in both independent and not-so-independent creations.
