Guest on… FreeWheeling Friday!

I had the pleasure of being a guest on a brand new YouTube show, at least for me, FreeWheeling Fridays! Thanks Ryan for having me on the show. We discuss my career as an author and filmmaker.

I talk about our new anthologies:

Enchanted Tales & Twisted Lore: Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Fables Reimagined – Volume 1

Once Upon a Twisted Time: Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Fables Reimagined – Volume 2

We also chat pop culture and more!

Guest on… The Panel Room: Pop Culture goes to school

Had a fun time being a panelist talking about the world of pop culture studies with The Panel Room!

“Pop culture goes to school. The Panel Room 166 is all about pop culture studies, pop culture educational programs, the influence of pop culture, and the benefits to students who learn more about pop culture through time with Charles Coletta, Kathy Merlock Jackson, Jennifer Swartz-Levine, Hansi Oppenheimer, Marx Pyle, and host James P. Nettles!”